Breitling Bentley Replica’s Love Affair with the Serpent

Throughout the history of humankind, our relationship with the snake has been conflicted. Different cultures have either worshipped, Replica Breitling Bentley revered or feared its mysterious form. Today, most of us would run a mile at the mere sight of one, and yet we are fascinated by this mysterious creature, the exquisite color and patterns of its skin, the graceful way it moves across the ground and its piercing eyes that never close.

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It is one of the most feared animals on the planet, and yet among the most popular breitling replica attractions at any zoo!

Even though the Bible depicts the snake as the Devil in the story of Creation, most societies venerate the snake and have done so since prehistoric times. From the Aztecs to the Egyptians, the snake’s ability to shed its skin was a symbol of fertility, regeneration, resurrection and immortality. For the ancient Greeks, the snake was a symbol of healing, medicine, death and rebirth. This is why the symbol for a pharmacy often features a snake coiled around a chalice belonging to Hygieia, the Greek goddess of health.

Hygieia, the Greek goddess of health(Breitling Bentley Replica )

The snake motif has also held a constant presence in the history of jewelry design going back to the ancient Egyptians and Romans. It fell from grace in the Middle Ages due to its association with the Devil, but reappeared again in the mid- to late-19th century thanks to the Art Nouveau movement and serpent motifs started to make a comeback with enamel decorations.